the future: now

join the revolution and take back control of your dealership’s IT

Open Source Best Source

For over 30 years DMS service providers have been telling dealers what’s best for them; and charging an arm and a leg doing it.

opendms is a crowd-funded community providing a new approach to dealership management systems. Tapping into the burgeoning world of open source software, opendms offers dealers the opportunity to work together to build relevant software solutions that are designed by dealers for the 21st century; and own them lock, stock and barrel.

opendms - community crowd funding puts control back in your hands

Help kickstart your future

Our Dream

opendms is all about dealers helping each other to reduce the cost of IT services
whilst tapping seamlessly into open source and low cost cloud-based products in the process


if you join the opendms community you become an owner plain and simple


the opendms community develop the products and services together


the community supports each other breeding its own expertise as it grows

Let's talk about opendms

there is no hidden agenda, opendms is all about dealers working together to build and own the best dealer valued IT solutions in the world; and for it to cost next to nothing.